Kit de Calibración GLM
El kit de calibración Genelec GLM permite que los monitores activos inteligentes y los subwoofers (SAM™) funcionen con Genelec Loudspeaker Manager (GLM™), nuestro galardonado software de gestión y calibración de monitoreo que ofrece adaptación automática precisa de la sala, control avanzado del sistema y el informe acústico de sala GRADE altamente detalladado.
El kit de calibración incluye un dispositivo adaptador de red GLM, un micrófono de referencia, un soporte para micrófono, un cable USB de 1,8 metros y una guía de conexión rápida. Configurar el kit de calibración para que funcione con tu sistema SAM es tan simple como conectar en red tus modelos de la serie SAM con los cables Ethernet de 5 metros incluidos, descargar elsoftware GLM más reciente a tu Mac o PC y luego conectar el adaptador de red a la computadora mediante la interfaz USB y a tus monitores SAM utilizando uno de los cables Ethernet de 5 metros incluidos con tus monitores SAM.
Como alternativa avanzada al uso del kit de calibración, para profesionales que desean aprovechar al máximo SAM y GLM, nuestro controlador de referencia SAM™ 9320A incluye el mismo micrófono y soporte de referencia y cumple con la funcionalidad del kit de calibración GLM, pero ofrece varios beneficios adicionales, incluida una interfaz de usuario táctil para administrar sistemas de monitoreo inmersivo con un alto número de canales, conectividad flexible con calidad de referencia para monitoreo estéreo en la habitación y con auriculares, y mediciones de SPL y exposición al sonido.
Kit de Calibración GLM
GLM 5.0 Operating Manual (pdf) GLM 4 System Operating Manual Operating Manual GLM 3 System SAM™ Series Full Line Catalogue Immersive Solutions Brochure Brochure Immersive Solutions (DE)Reseñas
Production Expert: Genelec 8331 SAM & 8341 SAM "The Ones" Studio Monitors & GLM™ 3 - Do They Re-Write The Rule Book?, August 2018 (UK) Genelec Aktiv-Lautsprecher 8331A mit Loudspeaker Manager User Kit, August 2018 (DE)Preguntas frecuentes
The Genelec Loudspeaker Manager (GLM™) Package provides all necessary components to establish connectivity to SAM™ monitors. Complete network system setup and control of up to 30 monitors and subwoofer is possible via a standard CAT5 or CAT6 cabling.
The GLM™ includes simple to use step-by-step setup wizards to ensure a pain-free and thorough installation, access to extensive Acoustical Settings in each monitor, and System Setup files for saving and recalling of all settings.
As an essential part of the GLM software, GLM™ AutoCal is a fully automated acoustical calibration tool for a single room multi-monitor system which combines decades of acoustic research along with our proprietary DSP and network control. The AutoCal system produces monitor-generated test signals recorded by a calibration microphone to determine correct acoustical alignments for every monitor and subwoofer on the GLM control network.
The differences are in the steepness of the crossover filters and the slightly tighter on-axis response. When using the GLM™ control network and AutoCal, the monitor can be integrated into the room with greater precision and the differences may be significant.
Software updates and upgrades will be clearly announced on the Genelec web site.
"These studio monitors pack a serious amount of technology into a very compact package. Can all this tech combat the issues associated with powerful rear ported designs and can the GLM™ 3 system cope with a truly dreadful set of listening circumstances?"
The Production Expert's comprehensive review "Genelec 8331 SAM & 8341 SAM "The Ones" Studio Monitors & GLM™ 3 - Do They Re-Write The Rule Book?" does not only list the pros and cons, but also describes the user experience of the products.
The review was published in August 2018. website's online review of Genelec 8331A studio monitor and GLM kit. The review is written in German and it was published in August 2018. website's online review of Genelec 8331A studio monitor and GLM kit. The review is written in German by Erol Ergyn, and it was published on 7th August, 2018.
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